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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Vision Source of Burlington the leading provider of vision care products and services.

Danielle McAtee O.D.

Photo of Dr. McAtee

Danielle McAtee, O.D. joined our offices in 2008 and serves in our Burlington, CO, Goodland, KS & St. Francis, KS locations. Danielle (Kreigh) McAtee was born and raised in St. Francis, Kansas. Even at an early age, Dr. McAtee knew that she wanted to pursue a career in the medical field. She attended Fort Hays State University where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in biology. She went on to complete her optometry degree at Indiana University’s School of Optometry.

Dr. McAtee is licensed in all areas of eye care, but her special interests include diseases of the eye and fitting people in contact lenses. In her free time, Dr. McAtee enjoys shopping, playing with her dogs and spending time with family and friends. She and her husband, Brock, have two sons, Tyce and Jace.


Paula M.

Paula is Office Manager and Optician with our Vision Source of Burlington office since 2011. She likes the variety of work in her job and that every day is different! Helping people choose the perfect glasses, both frame and lenses, and then seeing the patients’ reactions when they receive their glasses is a highlight of her day. She also enjoys the friendships developed with both co-workers and patients. Paula grew up in Cheyenne Wells, CO and received her Secretarial Science degree from Blair Jr. College. She lives in Stratton, CO where she serves as a Stratton Fire District Board Member.

Paula’s favorite patient encounter/memory: “So many favorites – so many memories! Every patient and every memory is my favorite!”

Paula’s favorite motto/mantra: “You won’t get different results by doing the same thing.”

Callie C.

Callie began working for Vision Source is 2015. She is a Certified Para Optometric and works in the Goodland, Burlington and St. Francis offices as an Optometric Tech. She has an Associate of Arts degree from Laramie County Community College and has lived in Kirk and Joes, Colorado. About her job, Callie remarks that she really enjoys getting to meet so many new people and also enjoys learning about the different medical conditions of the eyes. Callie is a member of the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association and her spare time is spent barrel racing at rodeos across Colorado and Wyoming.

Callie’s favorite patient encounter/memory: “Some of my favorite memories come from our patients that have Lasik surgery. Our doctors are part of the pre- and post-operative care and I enjoy being part of the transformation from that patient having a high prescription to being able to see 20/20 without glasses.”

Callie’s favorite motto/mantra: “Work until your idols become your rivals.”

Stacy T.

Stacy began working in our Goodland, Burlington and St. Francis offices in 2013 as one of our Front Desk team members. She has her Associates degree from Denver Business College. Stacy loves talking with patients and getting to know them. She also enjoys traveling to our various offices and “working with the best doctors!”. Stacy grew up in Kanorado and Goodland and loves spending time with her husband, two daughters and her grandson. As a family, they all enjoy camping at the lake. She loves watching her husband and daughter participate in demolition derbies. Reading and scrapbooking are also activities she enjoys.

Stacy’s favorite motto/mantra: “Things only get as bad as you are willing to let them”

Amy W.

Photo of AmyAmy joined our staff in 2012 as an Optometric Tech. She is originally from Denver and has her BSN RN from the University of Wyoming. Watching pediatric patients “see” with their glasses for the first time stands out as a highlight in her job. Amy is involved in her community, serving as a County Council Member for Kit Carson County 4-H and as Secretary for the building and finance committee at her church. For fun, Amy loves travelling, walking, reading and watching her kids play sports.

Amy’s favorite patient encounter/memory: One of our 90 year old patients made me laugh when she advised me saying, “Ninety! I never thought I’d see it —— Don’t do it!”

Amy’s favorite motto/mantra: “If your glasses are not on your face, keep them in your case!”